But, with Canada only a few weeks away, and my power not what I would like it to be, I have sacrificed getting out as regularly and implemented a stringent training program. For me this involves fingerboarding, the board of pain and a bit of campusing, alternating each day, with one day off for rest out of seven. The results so far have been a little mixed, but I am hoping that I will peak just in time for Squamish. We shall see.
The other
limiting factor for me is injury. I have had a pretty good run, until the last
twelve months anyway. Since then I have had a full knee reconstruction, torn a
tendon off the bone in my finger and injured a pulley. Now, this is part of
getting older I suppose, but it is also about choices and not all of my choices
have been particularly smart. Playing Australian Rules football = A large
mistake. If you don’t know what the game is have a look on youtube. It is
brutal, with a high incidence of injury. Safe to say I am now officially
retired and focused only on my climbing. With any luck, these injuries are
behind me now and I can focus on getting stronger and sending big over the
coming months.
Venga Simon, que hay que ponerse fuerte a muerte!!!!!